Monday, November 21, 2011

Why I'm Starting This Blog

I'm sure many blogs start with "...I've been considering a blog for quite some time now..." but really, I swear, I have. There haven't been any major road blocks or computer issues to prevent this from happening, maybe just the general apathy that rules my life. 

I have a lot of great ideas that I later see on TV in the middle of the night featured in an infomercial (those snaps that you put on your pants so they can be worn with heels OR flats—that was my idea but I used electrical tape and it wasn't very effective). But as I pore over blogs and Pinterest pins I find these recurring themes and great ideas from stay-at-home moms who manage to rear three or more kids, keep a tidy and organized house, come up with crafty yet educational things on a daily basis, AND take the associated photos of said crafty/organized/tidy/educational things (all in one breath). What I DON'T find is a blog written by the mom who puts in an 8-hour day at the office, comes home to kiss the husband and kids, and start dinner (which hasn't been defrosted and isn't patiently waiting in a crock pot), all the while NOT taking photos of any activity aside from the occasional weekend happening (but even those pictures are cut short because we realize that we haven't charged our camera battery since we used it two months ago).

A list of things that have prevented me from starting a blog:
  1. I have nothing compelling to say.
  2. I lack follow-through.
  3. I can't squeeze another thing into my jam-packed life (my husband's initial reaction).
  4. I'd just end up just telling stories about my kids that only relatives should have to suffer through, not the general public.
BUT, I started to think about the lack of craft-challenged, working-mom blogs and I felt that it was my civic duty to inform what I feel to be the general public that we cannot all be the over-achieving types we are secretly (or not so secretly) jealous of!

A list of things that made me think I should actually write this blog:
  1. I MIGHT have something compelling to say to at least one person.
  2. I really don't lack follow-through when it is something I care about.
  3. I can tell people about the things that are happening in my jam-packed life.
  4. I have some pretty good stories about the lessons I AM able to teach my kids, all the while balancing my career, volunteer work, and being the best wife I can be.
So I suppose an introduction to the title of this blog, Balancing Babies, Business, Betterment and Bacon, is in order...
  1. Balance: Don't we all strive for this?
  2. Babies: So my kids are actually 5 and almost 2 but babies started with a B.
  3. Business: This is my day-job as a marketing professional for a SaaS company.
  4. Betterment: The Canton Chapter of the Foundation for Community Betterment has won my heart and a lot of my time. I have made some of my best friends through this group AND it has allowed me to introduce the value of volunteering and benevolence to my family.
  5. Bacon - That is my husband. He is actually the person who came up with the title for this blog (so he actually gave himself the bacon moniker). His dietary lifestyle includes the preparation and consumption of an obscene amount of bacon. But he is my perfect match and I wouldn't have it any other way.
So there you have it.

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