Tuesday, January 17, 2012

11 Interesting Things...

So my friend Liz tagged me in a fun little game of questions a few weeks ago that involved passing along and "tagging" other bloggers with a similar round of questions. I loved learning a bit more about Liz through her answers and found that we had a lot in common: limited eyesight, Phish love, influential siblings, unpleasant feelings towards Keanu Reeves... Unfortunately, Liz is really one of the only bloggers who I interact with on a regular basis (although I'm sure I could send this to the Pioneer Woman—do you think she would respond?) so this is my attempt to do justice to her fun little game, plus I really do dig these kinds of things. So first things first, I'm supposed to share 11 things about myself and then I'll answer Liz's 11 questions (and she came up with some really good ones).

Here goes...11 random facts about me:
1. The majority of our family and friends watched our wedding online—Augie (the Bacon) and I got married in Las Vegas. 
2. In high school, I marched in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with our band. We were nestled between Joey Lawrence (singing) and Santa. 
3. I weighed more in 9th grade than I did when I was 9 months pregnant with my kids. 
4. I used to eat instant mashed potatoes tinted with food coloring every day after school (see #3).
5. I pretend that my favorite movie is Love Story, but really it is Clueless
6. I was caught shoplifting Little Mermaid collectors cards (like baseball cards) from G.C. Murphy Mart...in Jr. High. 
7. One of my fondest childhood memories was playing "The Tasting Game" with my parents and siblings. My dad would blindfold us and make us taste new and different foods and we would have to guess what they were. 
8. When I was 10, I had a mullet. 
9. I can tap dance. I tapped for eight years, I still want to find an adult class. 
10. I played Mary Magdelen in my college production of Jesus Christ Superstar. 
11. I once wrote a letter to Tom Hanks and when it came back return to sender, I hid it in my closet so my siblings wouldn't make fun of me. 

So those were my 11 random facts. Now I get to answer the questions that Liz passed along to me. 

1. What is your favorite place you have visited? I don't gamble and I'm not a fan of crowds, but I will always say Las Vegas because it reminds me of my wedding.
2. If you could name only one favorite band who would it be? Simon and Garfunkel.
3. What's sitting on your nightstand right now? A journal book called Listography that gives you list topics & favorites (mostly top 10) and you get fill it in slowly as your lists progress. I like to update it once every few months as new things make it to my "lists" and Mindy Kaling's "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (and other concerns) which makes me *whisper laugh* at night so I don't wake anybody up!
4. Name one tv show you love and one you can't stand. Parks and Recreation is on my LOVE list, it is one of the few shows I seek out to watch on Hulu. I cannot stand the children's show Caillou.
5. What's the most adventuresome thing you've done on your own? I'm not so much a do things on my own person. I was well into my 20s before I even went through the drive-thru by myself, I've never been to the movies on my own, I'll order room service before I dare eat alone while travelling for business...and although I wasn't totally alone when I did this, I'll have to say labor, because that was all me.
6. If you had the chance to rename yourself what name would you choose and why? I love the name Jane, I have always loved the name Jane. It is classic and timeless and lovely.
7. What is your dream job? Being paid to write my thoughts on Facebook and Twitter. I'd love to write for a television sitcom, I'm not a great writer, have no ability to develop characters or plot lines, but I'm really good with one-liners.
8. What's your favorite workout? If you don't workout what would your favorite workout be? I like classes. I find that I am most successful when I take a class (see #5). I'm starting Zumba tonight and I'm really excited.
9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Vancouver, B.C. - I've never been but I've never heard a bad thing about it.
10. What do you picture yourself doing 20 years from now? Hopefully Augie (the Bacon) and I will be 
old and carelesswearing matching track suits, drinking coffee, travelling through space, writing our memoirs...
11. What is your favorite style of art (contemporary, surrealism, cubism, impressionism, ect.) Admittedly, I had to look up my favorite artists to figure this one out...I like Matisse and that is Fauvism, I like Dali and that is Surrealism, I also like Pop Art and Garfunkel.

So that is it! Now you know a little bit more about me. Feel free to comment, answer the above questions and pass them along to me, send me 11 random things about yourself, sit back and wish you had the last five minutes of your life back, or start your own list! 


  1. this is great! i feel like i definitely got to know you a bit better. i wonder if jon and i will be hanging out in our matching track suits twenty years from now??? i hope so!!

    and i have to say....i love Love Story! I remember watching it with my best friend in high school over and over.

  2. Mary MaGdelen - not Madeline - but that was great! And I totally think you could write for a comedy show! AND...you drove to Pittsburgh several times by yourself (pre-kids)...and you went on business trips.....albeit with co-workers, but still....I do enjoy your blog!

  3. 1. What is your favorite place you have visited? NYC for sure! However, I lived in Casco, Maine for a month and actually loved it there too! Thinking of retiring to NYC/Maine somehow one day.
    2. If you could name only one favorite band who would it be? hmmm, have to come back to that one....
    3. What's sitting on your nightstand right now? A cup of water from the night before, my glasses with a 5 year old prescription, kleenex, lotion, book lamp, Secrets of the FBI by Kessler and probably a dust bunny or two.
    4. Name one tv show you love and one you can't stand. Love:Keeping up with the Kardashians, I know lame and Nightly News with Brian Williams. Dislike: WWE of WWF, whatever it is called. My husband subjects me to this, ugh!
    5. What's the most adventuresome thing you've done on your own? I would have to say joining the AmeriCorps NCCC, traveled the NE US for a year working with non-profits. I started alone, but ended up with some of the best people I know.
    6. If you had the chance to rename yourself what name would you choose and why? I was supposed to be Hannalore, but my mom thought it would be too long....my grandfather was Hannibal and I like names with family meaning behind them.
    7. What is your dream job? I have them....mother, daughter, wife, sister in law, daughter-in-law, friend, etc.
    8. What's your favorite workout? Volleyball
    9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? See number #1
    10. What do you picture yourself doing 20 years from now? Working and trying to make sure my son is not marrying too soon! I want him to enjoy being young.
    11. What is your favorite style of art (contemporary, surrealism, cubism, impressionism, ect.) I enjoy Homer who was part of the realism movement, but I am sure I could find something I like from any style.

    Whew...made me think. Thanks for the mental break from billing! LORI
